This month our client spotlight is on Carli Tonner. On the heels of her recent 50.25 lbs chin up achievement, we had a chance to catch up with her and talk training.
When did you start training at Brentwood Barbell?
“April, 2017”.
How has training to be stronger changed your life?
“You may think the obvious – physical strength – which is true. As I get older, my body gives me more feedback whether it is in aches & pains or just feeling damn good (my physical strength to thank for that!) However, since I have started powerlifting 2.5 years ago, it is quite evident what it has provided for me mentally. I am more aware of my thoughts when approaching the bar & when the weights start to feel heavy. What I say to myself when I’m attempting a weight or movement I haven’t tried before. Not only that, but I am more fine-tuned with the concept of fitness vs fatigue. For the first time in my “fitness career” I am meeting myself where I am at, adapting based on my lifestyle/stressors & seeing the progress in the big picture vs the day-to-day. If I have days where I don’t increase the weight, then I ask myself what is going on in my life as opposed to what should be happening based on my programming. There’s a lot more human element that way:)”.
What would you say to others considering strength training?
“It’s an adjustment. Prior to powerlifting, I was the one who was doing all the classes all around town. You name it, I did it. It took trusting my coach, James, & letting go of working out 5-6 days a week to lifting/strength training 3 days a week (initially) to make it through the first 90 days. That’s what he said, “Give me 90 days” & so I did. I didn’t know him from Adam, but I was ready to take on ONE type of discipline & be able to track my progress – something I had never done before. His knowledge & background in physical therapy really impressed me, so I committed to giving it those first 3 months & from there, I was hooked. Trust the process, be consistent & you will see results”.
What are some recent PRs (personal records) you’re proud of?
“Funny you ask this because it is hands down, without a doubt, my 45lb weighted chin up goal. I actually just achieved this on October 12th. I attempted this twice before in the last year & then got serious in my programming over the last 12 weeks. What makes me most proud of this is that I let go of the outcome & just enjoyed the process. Showing up regularly & working hard certainly worked…well enough to allow me to achieve a 50.25lb weighted chin up (& I believe I had more in the tank!)”.
What are some of your favorite things to do when you’re not training?
“Eating! I have a hollow leg & can polish off some food. Seriously. But in all seriousness, I own a business that allows me to educate men & women on safer personal care products, sell those products & do advocacy work in Congress to pass more health-protective laws. Aside from that, I enjoy reading, hiking (being outside), traveling, experiencing new things & being around good, funny people. AND LAUGHING”.
Each month our spotlight series will focus on an athlete that is putting in a great effort and making our gym a better place to train! Our hope is that you’ll share this post with your friends and family or someone that you think could benefit from resistance training.