Summer Youth Classes at Brentwood Barbell

Here are some great opportunities for your young athlete to get in the gym over the next couple of months.

Youth Athlete Training

This class is specifically designed for kids 6th – 8th grade. We will pay special attention to teaching the kids our progressions for the basic barbell exercises along with jumping / landing mechanics. Many kids this age have not had formal barbell technique coaching so this is a great chance for your kid to learn how to safely and effectively lift!

  • Class Schedule (MWF, 12pm – 1pm)
  • Session 1 (Jun 6th – July 11th, we will take July 4th off)
  • Session 2 (July 18th – Aug 19th)
  • Cost per Session $159

High School Athlete Training

This class has been designed for the high school athlete / student that has some basic experience in the weight room but would like to learn a lot more. Many kids at this level are involved in sports or are becoming more concerned with building muscle, our HS class takes these goals / activities into consideration.

  • Class Schedule (MWF, 7am – 8am)
  • Session 1 (Jun 6th – July 11th, we will take July 4th off)
  • Session 2 (July 18th – Aug 19th)
  • Cost per $159

What Does Youth Training Look Like at Brentwood Barbell

Our sessions follow a structured layout, this makes plugging in particulars for an athlete or situation much more manageable. Keep in mind that effective training isn’t simply about giving the kids the latest, hardest thing in the gym to do. Rather, it’s a lot of time spent on the basic simple exercises that off them the highest return on their investment.

  • Turf Warm Up – this is usually some dynamic agility, change of direction warm ups
  • Power Work – jumps, throws, landing mechanics
  • Strength – basic barbell training (squats, pressing, pulling)
  • GPP – calisthenics, energy system work with sleds, tires, hammers, kegs full of sand

The class is an excellent opportunity for young trainees to learn proper weight room etiquette and safety. We also spend a lot of time having fun and building confidence with weekly challenges.

You May Be Wondering, Should My Kid Train with Weights?

This is a common question we get from parents. The short answer is absolutely they should be training! While some younger athletes will lack the hormonal environment needed (they have not yet gone through puberty) to build muscle, many such kids are already playing high velocity sports such as soccer, football, and basketball. Resistance training is the best known injury mitigation training available for such sports. While we can’t prevent injuries, we can certainly use our understanding of strength, speed, power, and endurance to mitigate them.

Physical activity levels are also another huge consideration when thinking about signing your kid up for a program such as ours. In short, we need folks moving more and getting them started at an early age, sets them up as adults for a lifetime of increased physical activity and potentially improved health outcomes.

You can read more about this important topic here: How Much Should You Exercise?

Lastly, our youth program (like our adult program) is rooted in athlete education. We help folks answer the big questions when it comes to the gym. How much should you be lifting, how do you lift safely and effectively, and what constitutes a workout based on the goals you have? These are all important components that go into the work we do with our athletes. Setting kids up for these conversations earlier rather than later, only gives them a head start.

If you have any questions about our summer programs or the gym, please reach out to us by calling 314 495 2230 or emailing us @ [email protected].

Hope to see you in the gym!

James Harris, MPT

Owner, Physical Therapist