What’s a Year of Training Look Like?

Brendan has worked with us for a while. He actually trained with us prior to moving to our current location. Despite having left the gym, he had great results with us while he was there. Still … life got in the way and he stepped away from training for some time.

I reached out to him about 18 months after leaving. We talked a few times and he told me he was out of shape, working long hours, and not seeing much progress in the gym. In fact, he was pretty inconsistent. I told him he needed to come back and train with us.

After a few months of phone tag, Brendan agreed to come back.

Keeping it Simple

When he came back, we kept Brendan on a simple 3 day, full body training program. Once again, he started to see his strength go up, his weight go down (his goal was weight loss), and an overall feeling of improved health.

He has been pretty consistent for the past year. Coming in, hitting the weights 3x per week, working on improving his nutrition habits, and even adding some aerobic exercise 1-2x per week. This schedule is pretty much the “gold standard” for the average person looking to get in great shape, be strong as an ox, and pretty much be capable of doing what they want to do. I’ll say it again, this is all you need to be in great shape:

  • lift “heavy” 3x week
  • get your heart rate up 2x week OR walk 30 min x day
  • eat more protein and manage total caloric intake

Yes, that’s enough. Yes, that will work. But don’t just take my word for it, let’s see how Brendan did after 1 year of this relatively simple prescription.

1-Year Results

As you can see from the picture above, Brendan was able to:

  • – lose 35+ lbs. of total body weight
  • – reduce his bodyfat percent by a whopping 10
  • – knockout 250+ workouts (full disclosure, this number includes some of his previous sessions with us but we love to celebrate this stuff so there it is).

Can you see results like this? Yes, you certainly can. You simply need to decide to START! How would live change if you lost 35lbs.? How would you feel if your bodyfat dropped by a ridiculous 10%?

If you’re ready, we can help with that. Here are 3 ways to connect with:

Let’s go!
